Thursday, January 29, 2009

Updates,, <3

Heyy, I just want to give a shoutout to my favourite blogs. I really like the posts they have been making, and they are really interesting. Plus, they have really cool layouts. I will be linking to my favourite blogs on my sidebar, below my iPod.

Speaking of my iPod, you can request songs in the message board, appropriate ones of course, and I will try my best to put them on.

I would also like to give a shoutout to Miss Pollock's awesome blog, and I would like to thank her for stopping us from using boring textbooks. I also have her link on my sidebar.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Assignment # 6 Harriet Tubman<3

I have selected Harriet Tubman. She is not Canadian, but she, and the underground railroad has influenced Canada in a very great way.

Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave from Maryland who became known as "The Moses of her people." She made 19 trips into the South and led over 300 slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad, a secret network of safe houses where runaway slaves could stay on their journey north to freedom in the course of 10 years. I got this information from a website called America's Liberty and another website called

It influenced Canada because when slavery had been outlawed in the United States, it continued to flourish to the South. From about 1820 to 1860, over 20,000 refugees from slavery fled to Canada. The Underground Railroad was a very secret and organized way to get slaves to the northern U.S and Canada.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Assignment # 5 <3 : The Early Settlers

It gets really cold here in Canada. Thank goodness we have blankets, jackets, heating, warm houses, and alot of other stuff to keep us warm. But think about all the pioneers, who didn't have these things.

Now what would the early Canadian settlers do to survive through this time of year here?

The early settlers went through weather that was cold and warm, and they were relying on the fur trade to keep them warm. Some of the reasons why they immigrated to Canada is because:

1. They were not allowed freedom of worship.
2. The government had control over their way of life.
3. Men were forced to serve in the army.
4. There were no jobs or the jobs were low-paying jobs.
5. Many were poor and barely made enough to survive.
6. Farmers wanted to own their own land.
7. Cities were overcrowded, dirty and polluted.
I got that information from Allyson's blog, when she recommended

My parents immigrated from China, and where they're from, it doesn't snow there. When they came to Canada, they were very surprised by the weather, beacuse they haven't ever seen that much snow in their lifetime. They are used to it now, since they have been living with snow for about 20 years now. The reason why they came to Canada was because they wanted to kind of promote their jobs, but also start a new life.

I think the pioneers lived through a lot, I mean, they went through the weather, illnesses, and most importantly, losing crew members, just to earn freedom and independance from their countries. I think they were very strong, mentally, and emotionally.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assignment #4: Linking Back

Heyy readers,

I have been checking out my classmates' posts on their assignment # 3, responding to Christopher Moore's post. I read Sabrina's blog, Allyson's blog, and Chongo's blog. They are all really awesome!!

I liked how Sabrina was talking about the natives, and how much the world has changed over 100 years. I also thought that she was right about having a black prime minister, influenced from the black president of America.

I liked the way Allyson's entry explained what she was thinking. I thought her quote, "Also there could be a lot of new germs and viruses in the air, but you can't exactly be sure." was very interesting to read about.

I really liked Chongo's layout. I also really liked her entry. She talked about alot of things in the future, but also alot about the past too. I thought her thought on robots, "robots may exist on earth, to take better care of humans, but would probably be worse for our environment" was really interesting.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What will it be like in 2109?? Assignment # 3

First of all, I think by 2109, the world would probably end, due to all the pollution, and global warming, climate change, etc. But besides that point, there are many exciting but strange things that I can think of.
Here is a list of the things that might happen in 2109:

1. Someday, a person will invent water-powered car that doesn't cause pollution.
2. Cancer and aids will have a cure, but a new incurable disease will start.
3. Discover a new species.
4. Canada's provinces might drift apart, including "the narrows"
5. Maybe 100 years from now, there will be way more interracial babies and the countries aren't able to start wars if the prime ministers were interracial.
6. One of the really important things I want to bring up is that as time passes, people will start becoming more and more vulnerable, and start relying on technology to take care of all their responsibilities.
7. Live on Mars, since rumors indicate that apparently there has been a form of life on Mars (weird little germs and such).

Those were the most logical things I could come up with for now, but I will add onto the list later on.

This entry is a response to Christopher Moore's blog entry, To the Nines-Reviewing the centuries. Click here to check it out.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome To My BLOG!! <3

Welcome to my Blog!!
I am in grade 7 student who goes to school in Ottawa, Canada and I will be learning and writing about Canadian History. I hope you enjoy yourselves on my awesome blog!! Feel free to comment, or respond to any of my posts. I am excited to do the rest of my History course online, because I don't have to use boring textbooks anymore.

My teacher is just cool like that :)
Check out my teacher's blog.